This research involves investigating the major processes occurring in the Io plasma torus - the sources and losses of material; the mechanisms of energy transfer from Jupiter to the plasma and between the plasma species and radiation fields; and the response of the torus to changes in the volcanic output to Io. By building on previous models of the torus structure, Dr. Bagenal will combine in situ particles and fields measurements obtained on the initial passage of the Galileo spacecraft through the torus with remote sensing measurements obtained on subsequent orbits to determine the 3-dimensional distributions of plasma properties (density, temperature, composition) and their variations with time. By building on these models of the torus chemistry, she will: model the production of plasma from Iogenic neutral material following the plasma as it diffuses radially; calculate sources and losses of each species through ionization and charge-exchange processes; and compute energy pick-up, transfer and radiation losses. Interactive activities include running the Space Physics Seminars, teaching a graduate special research topics course, working with the UCLA Committee on Gender Issues, and running a seminar/workshop on gender issues.