The Wildlife Science Careers Program is a highly focused, short- term project that is designed to motivate middle school girls to consider careers in wildlife science and related fields. It will be operated in collaboration with the Girl Scout Council of Greater New York. Participants will be Cadette Girl Scouts in grades 8 and 9, living in New York City. The dissemination phase of the program will train 35 Cadette Girl Scouts who will then conduct programs for younger Girl Scouts in troop throughout the City. The program to be conducted at the Bronx Zoo/Wildlife Conservation Park. Program components include: (a) three five-day (30 hour) course of instruction at the Zoo-each serving 35 Cadette Girl Scouts, and preceded by a one-day training session for the accompanying Girl Scout Leader; (b) four days of field trips to the Society's other facilities--the Aquarium for Wildlife Conservation, and the Wildlife Centers of Central Park, Prospect Park and Queens; (c) additional training for 35 selected Cadettes to provide them with skills for conducting a version of the program for troops of younger Girl Scouts as part of the requirements need to become a Program Aide; and (d) production of a Wildlife Science Careers Information Packet, including a slide or photo set, profiles depicting the education and careers of women scientists i the field, and a set of hand-on career-related activities to be used by the Program aides in programs for Junior Girl Scouts.