The project will create increased science opportunities for girls ages 6-11 by piloting a hands-on science/gender equity model in after school programs at four New York City settlement houses, and by creating a Program Handbook for dissemination through United Neighborhood Houses (UNH) and United Neighborhood Centers of America (UNCA). The model will be developed for both single-sex and co-ed settings, and will include staff training, youth activities, and a parent involvement component. This project will build on the proven success of Educational Equity Concept's "Playtime is Science" program, with two important innovations: an increase focus specifically on improving results for girls, and a new setting, i.e. community-based after-school sites instead of public schools. Specific objectives are: a) to increase the amount of hands-on science offered to girls ages 6-11 in settlement houses from none to at least two hours per week; b) to develop both single-sex and coed models for carrying out hands-on science with a gender equity focus; c) to train staff in settlement houses in both hands-on physical science and in gender equity; d) to involve parents of participating girls in hands-on science and gender equity activities; e) to give settlement house staff the training they need to institutionalize the model program so that it will continue beyond the grant period; f) to evaluate the success of the model; g) to develop a Program Handbook; and h) to work in partnership with UNH in New York City and UNCA nationally to disseminate the model and materials.