This US-Brazil award supports Dr. Marleigh Sheaff, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Dr. John P. Cumalat, University of Colorado, to work with Professors Joao Anjos, Ignacio Bediaga, Jussara Miranda, and Alberto Reis of Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas (CBPF) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in the field of elementary particle physics. They will work together on analysis projects, such as the FOCUS experiment (Fotoproduction of Charm in an Upgraded Spectrometer), that concern decays of charm mesons and baryons and the production of charm particles by photons on nuclear targets.
This collaborative project will allow U.S. students to travel to Brazil to join an on-going collaboration, FOCUS, which is a fixed target charm-quark experiment based at Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois. Our counterpart agency in Brazil, CNPq, will provide support for a Brazilian student to be based at Fermilab. Through this award researchers from both the U.S. and Brazil collaborate on large-science projects of mutual interest, and younger physicists from both countries have the experience of working in an international setting early in their careers.