This U.S.-Brazil award will support Drs. Philip L. Cole and Jorge A. Lopez to sponsor students to attend the Fifth Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics (V LASNP) to be held in Santos, Brazil on September 1-5, 2003. The co-organizer from Brazil is Dr. Roberto V. Ribas, Universidade de Sao Paulo.
The goal of this activity is to promote dialog among faculty members and students of North American and South American institutions. Through exchanges of ideas it will allow those involved to find common research interests and goals. This will strengthen the link between US and Latin America within the broad scope of the international nuclear physics community and will provide the students with a first-hand view of research carried out in an international context. Not only will this experience contribute to a globally oriented workforce but also it might serve to encourage future researchers to pursue future work in a part of the Americas that has not attracted as much attention from US researchers.