This U.S.-Chile award will support Drs. Clive G. Jones and Holly Ewing and Kathleen C. Weathers, Institute of Ecosystem Studies, New York, , Dr. Todd E. Dawson, University of California, Berkeley, and Ms.Patricia Vidiella, University of California, Berkeley, for a planning visit to complete a proposal for a research collaboration with Drs. Juan J. Armesto, Pablo A. Marquet, and Ms. Olga Barbosa, University of Chile. The researchers are working on research to understand the role of fog in ecosystems, the role of species in ecosystem functioning, the scaling up of ecological processes, the relationships between ecosystem functioning and biodiversity, and the ecological impacts of global change. Their study site is the Fray Jorge National Park in Chile. The results of this work will give insight into proper management of ecosystems such as the coastal redwoods of California.