This award supports a short-term U.S-Japan Planning Visit in preparation for development of a NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) site in chemistry. The collaborators are Professor Yoshitaka Ishii and Michael Trenary at the University of Illinois at Chicago and Professor Kiyonori Takegoshi at the Kyoto University in Japan. Professor Kazunari Domen at the Tokyo Institute of Technology and Professor Yoshinori Yamamoto at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan will also be involved in the planning. The expected collaboration will impact a variety of fields including solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), surface spectroscopy, coherent control and organic synthesis.
The collaborators have complementary scientific expertise in the field. The broad impact of the REU program will be to produce scientists with an international research background from early in their careers. The exchange of ideas and data with Japanese experts in the field will enable U.S. participants to advance their own work, and will set the stage for future international collaborative projects.