This U.S.-France cooperative research project between Guillermo Sapiro's research group at the University of Minnesota and the Odysee research laboratory led by Olivier Faugeras and Rachid Deriche at the French National Institute for Research in Informatics and Applied Mathematics (INRIA) in Sophia Antipolis focuses on the development of computational tools for brain imaging studies. The research addresses brain development and shape deformations, diffusion tensor imaging analysis and analysis of functional brain data. They will apply advanced computational tools based on partial differential equations to data obtained from the Center for Magnetic Resonance Research at the University of Minnesota.
Intellectual Merit: The project will advance knowledge in brain imaging research, using and developing novel computational tools. The research addresses theoretical and computational frameworks in an interdisciplinary research area.
Broader Impacts: The proposed computational techniques have applications in brain imaging and in the general area of medical imaging techniques. The collaboration takes advantage of French expertise in computer and biological vision perception and functional imaging and modeling of brain activity. Through this award, U.S. students are given the opportunity to develop research skills in an international research environment and partnerships with French researchers for future collaborations.