This project supports a collaborative research between Dr. H.Y. Sohn, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, University of Utah (UT), Salt Lake City, Utah and Dr. Mohamed Nasr, Central Metallurgical Research and Development Institute (CMRDI), Helwan, Egypt. They plan to conduct studies on the growth of metallic iron whiskers during the reduction of iron oxide.
Intellectual Merits: Previous work indicates that swelling of iron ore pellets mainly takes place during metallization in the wustite-iron reduction stage. Also, most of the relevant literature points out to the iron filaments (whiskers) growth on the w stite phase during metallization as the main reason for that abnormal swelling. Therefore, the objective of this project is to clarify the whisker formation mechanism. This will be done by studying all the parameters that control the whisker growth and also the parameters that affect the reduction behavior.
Broad Impacts: In ironmaking processes, the iron ore mainly in pelletized shape is charged to the production furnaces. Swelling in these pellets takes place during reduction and leads to the disintegration of iron ore pellets which causes irregularities in blast furnace operations. Iron is the most important metal and its use is increasing rapidly. Thus, the improvement of ironmaking processes has a very broad impact in iron and steel industry and by extension in many associated societal areas. The project will involve supporting two graduate students at the University of Utah for work with the two PIs. This project is being supported under the US-Egypt Joint Fund Program, which provides grants to scientists and engineers in both countries to carry out these cooperative activities.