ABSTRACT OISE 0831566 YUAN, F.G., "U.S.-China Workshop on Smart Systems: Bio-inspired Materials, Mechanics, Control and Sensor Innovation"
This award provides funding for 15 U.S. scientists to join counterparts in China for a "U.S.-China Workshop on Bio-inspired Materials, Mechanics, Control and Sensor Innovation", to be held May 25-27, 2009 in Dalian, China. The PI is Dr. F.G. Yuan, Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at North Carolina State University. The counterpart organizers are CHENG, Gengdong, Engineering Mechanics at Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China, JIANG, Desheng in Mechanical Engineering at Wuhan University, in Wuhan China, and WU, Zhishen, in Civil Engineering at Southeast University in Nanjing, China. The workshop objectives are to evaluate current status of education and research in these emerging areas, identify critical and strategic joint research projects of mutual interest, access existing research data, and to evaluate experimental complementarities and other shared resources. The workshop will be followed by field visits to nano-device and biomaterials laboratories at the Dalian University of Technology. The U.S. participants will include 3 graduate students and 6 early-career researchers. Co-funding for this award was provided by Civil, Mechanical, Manufacturing Innovation program at NSF.