This Pan-American Advanced Studies Institutes (PASI) on Modeling Computational Science and Engineering is jointly supported by the NSF and the Department of Energy (DOE). The PASI is organized by Dr. Jose Castillo from San Diego State University and it will take place in the Fall of 2009 at the Universidad de Carabobo, Venezuela. The key objective of the proposed PASI is to foster research by disseminating advanced computational science and engineering processes. Topics to be covered will include numerical optimization, exponential data fitting, parallel computing, scientific visualization, wavelets and partial differential equations (PDE?s), and engineering computing. The PASI will introduce students to the realm of current methods of research utilized in the US and other developed countries. It will also include hands-on computer laboratories and one-on-one guidance for beginning researchers. A web site will be created and administered by the Computational Science Research Center (CSRC) at San Diego State University to disseminate the information to be presented at this PASI.