This workshop seeks to develop and identify convergent research areas that will improve digital and precision agriculture. The workshop will bring together academics from a diversity of disciplines including humanities, economics, genetics, computer science, quantum computing, communication, and social science. Partners from other agencies and entities from across the US food industry will also be participating in the workshop. The outcomes of this workshop including a report will assist in identifying potential deliverables and areas of convergent research that will benefit society by ensuring resiliency of the U.S. food chain.
The workshop will incorporate the synthesis of key convergence research questions, engagement of participants from a diversity of perspectives to develop approaches that are best suited in identifying a pathway to deliverables and prototypes that will enhance agricultural productivity. A report that summarizes the results of the workshop will be presented and used to identify agricultural practices that take advantage of recent advances in digital precision agriculture.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.