This proposal is for continued support of the NAS to the Environmental Studies Board in its role as the U.S. adhering body (USNC) to the Scientific Committee on Problems on the Environments (SCOPE). The scientific objective of SCOPE are: 1) to advance the state of knowledge concerning the influence of humans on their environment and the effects of environmental changes on human health and welfare, with emphasis on global or regional effects; and 2) to serve as a non- governmental, interdisciplinary and international source of advice to governments, international bodies, and other groups with respect to environmental problems. RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT TO PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: The activities of SCOPE are of considerable interest to the scientific and engineering communities in many countries, including the U.S. They span a broad range of disciplines including biological sciences, environmental sciences, physical sciences, social sciences, earth-ocean-and- atmospheric sciences, and various engineering disciplines including civil, chemical, and environmental. Support of U.S. participation in international scientific organizations such as SCOPE by U.S. scientists and engineers promotes the NSF/SORP objective of strengthening the U.S. science and engineering effort. MERIT OF THE PROPOSAL: The USNC/SCOPE, which is composed of highly competent internationally recognized experts, has made considerable progress during the last award period in involving other U.S. scientists and engineers in their activities and informing the scientific and engineering communities of SCOPE activities. It should be noted that an initiative for a SCOPE project by the U.S. National Committee on Estuaries, Coastal Embayments and River Deltas was adopted by the SCOPE General Assembly in September 1985. This project will synthesize the understanding of the effects of rising sea level and changes in sediment loads on coastal areas around the World. The USNC is presently developing another SCOPE initiative on toxic chemicals