Proposal Objectives: The primary objective of this U.S.-Hungary cooperative research project between Dr. Otto Vogl of Polytechnic University and Dr. Ferenc Tudos of the Central Institute of Chemistry is to study oxidation of polyolefins of various stereochemistry and structural similarities. The research should help answer the fundamental question of how the chemical structure of macromolecules affects degradation process and may lead to methods for increasing the service life of polymers. Relevance to Program Objectives: This project in polymers research fulfills the program objective of advancing scientific knowledge by enabling leading experts in the United States and Eastern Europe to combine complementary talents, pool resources, and share research facilities in areas of strong mutual interest and competence. Merit: The proposal ranks in the Excellent/Very Good category. Its technical merit therefore warrants NSF support. The U.S. and Hungarian researchers are well regarded and the rationale for international cooperation, in terms of anticipated mutual scientific benefits, is clearly articulated. Significant research results are anticipated from this cooperative project which could be useful in locating vulnerable linkages in conventional polymers. Interrelated Projects: Dr. Vogl currently receives support from the NSF Polymers Program for the study of Helical Polymers Optical Activity under grant number DMR-8617768. Funding: The requested budget covers the incremental costs to the U.S. of international cooperation associated with the research in accordance with program guidelines.