The primary objective of this U.S.-Hungary workshop on relaxation in random systems is to bring physists from the two countries together in Hungary during January 11-15, 1988 to discuss the latest experimental developments in disordered systems which fundamentally infuence properties of various materials such as structural glasses and spin glasses. The U.S. organizer will be Dr. George Mozurkewich of the University of Illinois, with Dr. Laszlo Mihaly of the Central Research Institute of Physics serving as organizer for the Hungarian side. Emphasis will be on the cross-correlation of experimental results in related fields with the intent of improving the theoretical framework for understanding common aspects of the relaxation phenomena observed in solid state physics. This activity fulfills the program objective of advancing scientific knowledge in physics by enabling leading experts from the United States and Eastern Europe to combine complementary talents, pool resources and share research experience in areas of strong mutual interest and competence.