This award will support the Fifth US-Mexico Research Workshop on Numerical Analysis, to be held in Merida, Mexico in January 1988, organized by Prof. Richard A. Tapia of Rice University in cooperation with Dr. Jean Pierre Hennart of the Institute for Research in Applied Mathematics and Systems at the National University of Mexico, Mexico City. Researchers from both the United States and Mexico will present contributed talks on such subjects as the optimization of programming algorithms, methods for the solution of partial differential equations, computer graphics, finite-element techniques, etc.. Invited review talks and talks by experts on specific subjects will also be presented. This workshop will be the fifth in a series jointly conceived by the Mexican and U.S. investigators in 1977. These workshops have proven effective in bringing together US and Mexican researchers in this important field, and have resulted in the conception of additional cooperative research projects, both in the fundamentals and in applications of numerical analysis. Both countries will benefit from the exchange of ideas and research results to be presented.