This award will support the participation of seven U.S. mathematicians in a conference sponsored by the Colombian Mathematics Society (SCM) to be held in late July, 1987 at the National University of Colombia, Bogota. The two purposes of the conference will be to (1) identify topics and priorities for cooperative research in differential equations between the U.S. and Colombian participants, and (2) discuss the curriculum for the proposed doctoral program in mathematics at the University. Dr. William R. Derrick, University of Montana, and several other United States mathematicians participated in the organization of the conference with Dr. Jaime C. Lesmes, President of SCM and several other Colombians. Dr. Derrick and the United States participants have a successful history of research collaboration with Latin American mathematicians. The conference will consist of three parts: (1) a plenary session to discuss the current state and future course of graduate studies in mathematics in Colombia, (2) invited addresses on topics of mathematical research, and (3) research workshops on mathematical analysis. The conference enables the United States mathematicians to develop research questions and contacts with domestic and foreign colleagues, and it provides the Colombians with expert advice in developing their first doctoral program in mathematics. The research papers from the conference will be published in the "Boletin de Matematicas", an international journal published by the SCM.