This award supports cooperative research in nuclear fusion reaction studies to be carried on by Robert Vandenbosch of the University of Washington and three researchers at the TANDAR (TANDem ARgentino) reactor physics department of the Comision de Energia Atomica (CNEA), Argentina's nuclear energy commission: Jorge Testoni, Salvador Gil and Alberto Pacheco. They will measure the spin distribution of the compound nucleus, Halfnium 170, near the barrier (one-dimensional barrier model). This will give a description of heavy ion reactions in low energy fusion. The laboratory at the University of Washington has the equipment for making the gamma-ray multiplicity measurements of the spins of the fused nucleii and the TANDAR Laboratory can determine the absolute cross-sections. This is efficient use of both laboratories so this is a particularly well balanced collaboration. The U.S. researcher is a recognized leader in nuclear studies and the complementary expertise of the U.S. and Argentine groups will lead to mutual benefits for both.