This project provides support for travel and living expenses for Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy, Department of Physics, Quaid-I-Azam University (QAU) Islamabad, Pakistan to participate in a research project with Dr. John W. Negele at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. The project will be in the area of Nuclear Chromodynamics, the role of quarks and gluons in determining the structure and properties of atomic nuclei. The MIT physics group has taken the lead in attacking the challenging task of unravelling the quarks structure of nuclei. The efforts are concentrated on development of nucleon models, calculation of elastic scattering form factors, direct excitation of quark and color degrees of freedom, direct measurements of quark momentum in very high energy deeply inelastic electron scattering, and creation of abnormal states of hadron matter to detect their momentary existance. The QAU group is also deeply interested in this approach. Scope: The MIT - QAU collaboration has started, and there already exists one paper in the area of Nuclear Chromodynamics written by Hoodbhoy and R.L. Jaffee of MIT. Further work at QAU resulted in more publications. It is likely that this collaboration will benefit both teams and lead to significant results in addition to building a viable scientific research capability in theoretical nuclear physics in Pakistan, as envisioned in the Science in Developing Countries Program.