This award will support collaborative research between Dr. Ronald Lovett of Washington University and Dr. John Lekner of Victoria University, Wellington. The investigators intend to develop a new methodology for solving macroscopic rate equations for microscopic processes governed by a Fokker.Plank equation, i.e., for a process in which passage over a barrier is induced by generalized Browian motion. In the 40 years since the Fokker.Plank equation was developed, experience has only strengthened the belief that this equation provides a good description. But solutions have only been clearly identified in simple limiting cases. Developing a new methodology, as these researchers propose, has the potential for major impact on understanding all kinetic processes which can be described with equation. The project initiates formal cooperation between these scientists, with long.standing mutual interests and professional relationships. The research is a throughly joint effort involving the chemistry background of Lovett and the physics expertise of Lekner, and this collaboration is essential to the success of the project. The research should add considerely to knowledge in basic mathematical aspects of statistical mechanics, along with potential application to a range of chemical and physical rate processes.