Long-term Research: Aerodynamic Simulation of the Effects of Hydrometers on Urban Structures This award recommendation is made under the Program for Long and Medium-Term Research at Foreign Centers of Excellence. The program is designed to enable young U.S. scientists and engineers to conduct long-term research abroad at research institutions of proven excellence. Awards provide opportunities for the conduct of joint research and the utilization of unique or complementary facilities, expertise and experimental conditions in foreign countries. The award will support Dr. James Edson, Pennsylvania State University, for a twelve-month research visit with Dr. Patrice Mestayer, Ecole Nationale Superieure de Mecanique, Nantes, France. The award recommendation provides funds to cover, as appropriate, international travel, local travel abroad, stipend, dependents allowance, if applicable, and a flat administrative allowance of $250.00 for the U.S. home institution.