This award will support Professor Ralph Zingaro of the Texas A&M University in a research collaboration with Professor P.K. Nair of the Instituto de Energia Solar of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), in Morelos, Mexico. The researchers intend to investigate methods for the deposition of thin films of infrared sensitive materials on glass, ceramic and plastic surfaces. For these goals to be accomplished, it will be necessary to synthesize selenium and tellurium reagents that will react with the desired metals or their compounds to produce thin films of the desired materials. The U.S. researcher will handle the chemical aspects of the research, primarily organometallic synthesis and characteri- zation, while the Mexican researcher will be principally involved in the actual preparation of thin films and characterization of their physico-chemical, optical, and electrical properties. Thin films prepared by chemical deposition readily lend themselves to commercial production and have many potential applications to the preparation of photosensitive film coating on surfaces with virtually any geometric configuration.