This project supports travel by 10 U.S. scientists to India to attend the 17th IUPAC International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products to be held in India February 4-8, 1990. The topics to be covered include natural products and human health, agriculture, and cosmetics; bioorganic chemistry and general natural products chemistry. It will address the isolation, structure, elucidation of the products as well as reactions, synthesis and biosynthesis. Most of the participants plan also to attend a U.S.-Pakistan workshop in Karachi on the same topic where specific progress made in that field would be discussed, with special reference to the natural products of Pakistan. Scope: The IUPAC Conference is likely to be attended by large numbers from India, the industrial countries and several South Asian countries and should provide for extensive exchange of information. Participation by U.S. scientists fits the guidelines of the U.S.-India Program. At no additional costs U.S. participants would contribute to a successful workshop in Pakistan where significant impact can be made to that field and where an excellent institute exists for the chemisty of natural products.