This project provides support for U.S. scientists to participate in the Kathmamdu Summer School on "Non-Perturbative Phenomena and Selected Current Topics in Condensed Matter and Particle Physics" which is planned for May 20-June 8, 1990. The school emphasizes the interdisciplinary nature of the three fields of condensed matter, particle physics, and cosmology. The areas to be covered include introduction to functional methods, topological structures and their applications to condensed matter and particle physics, anomalies, dynamical symmetry breaking, superconductivity and two-dimensional conformal field theories. Lecturers are expected from the U.S., Western Europe and the USSR. Students come from six cuntries in Asia including China, India, Pakistan, Bangledesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal. Scope: The exposure of students and young researchers from Asian countries to the lectures by eminent scientists from around the world greatly strengthens the scientific potential in these countries, and fosters scientific cooperation between them and with the U.S. This meeting is the second in a seies, following a 1989 meeting that proved successful by the excellent participation from the U.S. and Europe, and with partial support from the International Centre for Theorectical Physics, Trieste, Italy.