This project provides support for twelve U.S. scientists to participate in the International Conference on Quantum Optics, to be held in Hyderabad, India January 5-9, 1991. The conference's aims include interaction between scientists from India, neighboring countries, Europe and the U.S., and encouragement of cooperative research. The program covers recent development in: squeezed states and nonclassical light; quantum theory of measurement and interferometers; cavity QED; photon statistics and optical phenomena; optical phenomena in superintense fields; topological places in nonlinear and quantum phenomena; coherence theory; laser cooling and trapping of ions and neutral atoms; new mechanism of laser action; resonance fluorescence; quantum jumps, optical bistability; and light induced drift. The Indian convener is Dr. G.S. Agarwal of the School of Physics, University of Hyderabad who is an active scientist in the field with a long record of successful collaborative research with U.S. scientists. The invited U.S. participants are eminently qualified and active scientists who can benefit from and contribute to the conference. Scope: This activity is beneficial to the Indian and U.S. scientists by enabling them to interact with colleagues from Europe and India, as well as develop cooperative activities between scientists of the two countries. It is likely the maximum benefits will be for scientists from smaller Indian universities who have few chances for such interaction.