This project supports travel of ten U.S. scientists to participate in the Ninth Symposium on Earthquake Engineering to be held in Roorkee, India, December 14-16, 1990 and organized by the University of Roorkee and the Indian society of Earthquake Technology. The sessions will include: engineering seismology and seismotectonics; microzonation; urban design and public policy; survey and evaluation of damages; gravity structures; buildings behavior; offshore structures; retrofitting of structures; soil-structures interaction; and earth and rockfilled dams and embankments. The meeting is expected to be well attended from India, the U.S., Europe and Japan. Scope: Earthquake effects are of global interest. The U.S. and India are among leading countries conducting vigorous research in various earthquake engineering aspects. The conference provides a good forum for a fruitful exchange of research findings and ideas. The University of Roorkee has departments of earthquake engineering, civil engineering, and geology and geophysics where research is being done. Cooperative research between Roorkee staff and U.S. scientists has continued for more than a decade.