This award will support a "U.S.-Australian Cooperative Workshop: The Chemistry of Reactive Intermediates" to be held 13-17 July, 1991 at the University of Queensland, Queensland, Australia, and to be organized by Dr. Matthew Platz of Ohio State University and Dr. Curt Wentrup of the University of Queensland. Great excitement currently exists in the field of reactive intermediates, those molecules essential to almost all chemical reactions. They are seen as having potential for the discovery of new types of molecules, new structures, new materials,improved understanding of chemical reactivity, and the discovery of new chemical reactions. Progress in reactive intermediates is also seen as important for the chemical industry, as well as for areas as diverse as biochemistry, medicine, pharmaceuticals, new materials, petroleum chemistry, atmospheric pollution control, and radio astronomy. The 1980s was a decade for dramatic scientific advance in reactive intermediates, which can be attributed to both improvements in synthetic methodology and the introduc- tion of sophisticated new technology. Consequently, the time appears particularly ripe for a U.S.- Australian workshop, condusive to intensive discussion of these developments and applications, and participated in by scientists with complementary interests, but with different skills and expertise. No existing alternatives, such as The Gordan Conferences, present the opportunity for discussion in small groups needed to advance this field. In particular, this workshop will provide a rare opportunity for contact between expert U.S. and Australian scientists with strong interests in this area. The workshop will allow approximately twenty-five U.S. and Australian researchers to review recent research developments and discuss critical issues in this area. About six third country nationals (from Japan and Germany) will also participate. One goal of the workshop will be to define joint U.S.-Australian interdiscipliary experiments to advance knowledge of the structure and reaction mechanisms of these molecules. A book of abstracts and the proceedings of the workshop will be published, as well as collaborative research papers.

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Ohio State University
United States
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