This award will support collaborative research between US and French scientists on the topic of massively parallel processing of computational fluid dynamics and large-scale coupled computational fluid and solid dynamics problems. The US investigators are Dr. Charbel Farhat and Dr. Oliver McBryan, University of Colorado at Boulder, and Dr. Elaine Oren and Dr. Jay Boris, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC. The French participants are Dr. Alain Dervieux and Dr. Bernard Larrouturou, French National Institute for Computer Science and Automation (INRIA), Sophia-Antipolis, France. The proposed research includes five components: steady and unsteady flow computations on unstructured meshes, direct and large-eddy simulations on structured grids, multigrid methods applied to flow problems, and transient fully coupled fluid/structure simulations. The application problems, real-gas flows at high Mach number, transonic combustion, transonic combustion, detonation physics, turbulent flows and aeroeleastic analysis of full configura- tion aircraft structures, are chosen because of their technological importance and in order to demonstrate to the engineering community the potential of the emerging massively parallel technology in solving problems that are presently beyond the reach of sequential supercomputers. The research team at Colorado will bring their extensive "hands on" experience with massively parallel finite element/difference computations using novel adn intrinsi- cally parallel numerical algorithms. This team will also be responsible for the coordination of the project and the integration of the fluid and structure engineering software. The research group at INRIA will contribute expertise in steady flow finite element computations with unstructured meshes. The NRL team will bring their advances in unsteady flow parallel computations using unstructured grids, as well as their expertise in massively parallel computing.