This project supports travel of ten U.S. physicists to a "Workshop in High Energy Physics Phenomenalogy II" planned for January 2-15, 1991 in Culcutta, India. The organizer is Dr. P. Majumdar of the S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences in Culcutta. Topics will include 1. Structure functions at low X, polarized structure functions, and higher order QCD contributions for jets, W, Z and heavy flavour production; 2. Low energy weak interactions (hedronic matrix elements, B- Physics); 3. New particle search; and 4. Electro - weak radiative corrections to electro - weak processes and 2 W physics. Participation will include scientists from India, the U.S., U.K., Germany, France, Switzerland, Sweden, Japan, Austria, and Poland. Much of the presentations will cover theoretical research, with experimental work contributed by four Indian and a number of European and U.S. scientists. The meeting will include three days of presentations to be followed by one week of separate working groups on specific subtopics under group leaders. The group leaders will present the results on the final day of the workshop. Scope: This is the second such workshop. The first was held in January 1989 at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Bombay which resulted in proceedings published by World Scientific. The two week intensive interaction between senior visiting scientists and young Indian scientists is expected to lead to emerging new ideas and new results for expanding the present knowledge of basic science. It is also likey that future collaboration would result from this interaction.