This project supports participation by 16 U.S. scientists in the International Symposium on Intelligent Robotics, planned for January 3-5, 1991 in Bangalore, India. The meeting will include the following areas: robot control, kinematics and dynamics, grasping, vision, sensing, sensor fusion, distributed processing, neural networks, task planning, mobile robots, unmanned vehicles, architecture for intelligent robots, robot programming languages, computational algebra and geometry, and applications of intelligent robots. Several plennary sessions are planned, in addition to concurrent sessions for contributed and invited papers. Scope: The meeting is sponsored by the Centre for Artificial Intelligence & Robotics of the Government of India, in cooperation with the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), the Automation and Systems, Man and Cybernetics Societies, and the International Federation of Automatic Control. Speakers and participants are expected from Japan, several European countries, Canada, Singapore in addition to the U.S. and India. It is highly likely that the exchange of information will be useful to the U.S. and Indian scientists and that future cooperative research will result.