The primary objective of this U.S.-Czechoslovakia research project between Dr. Rama Bansil of Boston University and Dr. Cestmir Konak of the Czechoslovak Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry is to study the kinetics of gelation and the diffusion of particles and polymers in gels. To do this the researchers will add a very small concentration of colloidal particles or a probe polymer which scatters light to a polymer solution. Measurements of subsequent diffusion will be made using static and dynamic laser light scattering. The experimental results will be analyzed through computer simulations to determine the details of the dynamic process. Results are expected to contribute to our basic understanding of electrophoresis and polymer diffusion in random media. This project in polymer research fulfills the program objective of advancing scientific knowledge by enabling leading experts in the United States and Eastern Europe to combine complementary talents and pool research resources in areas of strong mutual interest and competence.