This Academic Research Facilities Modernization Program (ARFMP) award from the Research Facilities Office provides funds to the University of Tennessee at Knoxville for the repair and renovation of Middle Dabney Hall which houses a major proportion of the research and research training activities of that institution's Chemistry Department. This building was constructed in 1954 and has not been renovated since that time. The ARFMP grant of $1,700,000 and $4,910,000 provided by the grantee as cost sharing will be used to modernize these research and research training facilities. This project will address the need to improve the current research infrastructure both in terms of increasing its safety and of increasing the quantity and quality of research that can be conducted by upgrading the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system and by installing fume hoods, solvent cabinets, and casework. This award contributes to the infrastructure of science by providing an improved environment for the conduct of research and for the training of undergraduates from other institutions through the Science Alliance and National Science Foundation summer research programs as well as for the training of the University of Tennessee's own undergraduate and graduate students.