This Academic Research Facilities Modernization Program (ARFMP) award from the Research Facilities Office provides funds to Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, an independent nonprofit field station, for replacement of Barclay Teaching Laboratory which houses experimentally-oriented, high-altitude field biological research and research training activities. This building was constructed in 1967 and has never been previously renovated. Its replacement is fully justified and cost-effective. The ARFMP grant of $100,000 and $115,137 provided by the grantee as cost sharing will be used to modernize these research and research training facilities which will enhance the laboratory component of field projects carried out at Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory and remove some of the seasonal constraints on the conduct of research. This project will address the need to improve the current research infrastructure by utilizing the foundation of the original building for the construction of another building of better design. This award contributes to the infrastructure of science by providing an improved environment for the conduct of research and for the training of quality students and faculty. The large number of students from many institutions who are currently trained in field biology by outstanding biologists at Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, in spite of the adverse conditions that prevail, is exemplary. The proposed improvements will ensure that continued growth in the already successful faculty research program will proceed and that additional emphasis will be placed on student research and research training.