This Academic Research Facilities Modernization Program (ARFMP) award from the Research Facilities Office provides funds to Columbia University for the renovation and repair of the William S. Black Research Building of the College of Physicians & Surgeons, which after the modernization, will house structural studies, a multi-disciplinary research and research training program in molecular biophysics. This building was constructed in 1965 and has not previously been renovated. The ARFMP grant of $700,000 and $903,000 provided by the grantee as cost sharing will be used to modernize these research and research training facilities. It will make possible new research capabilities and collaborative interaction not possible under current conditions. This project will address the need to improve the current research infrastructure by conversion of research and research training space so as to permit consolidation of related work in structural biology and by upgrading the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) so that it is suitable to meet the demands of x-ray diffraction and of the computer facilities. This award contributes to the infrastructure of science by providing an improved environment for the conduct of research and for the training of quality undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral students and for fostering academic-industrial ties. Students trained in these laboratories will be able to serve as models for the feasibility of the training of computer-literate molecular biologists.