This project supports research to be conducted by an Indian team led by Dr.Lali Chatterjee of the Physics Dept. of Jadavpur University in Calcutta and a team led by Dr. Thornton Murphy of Fermi National Accelaerator Laboratory. The Indian scientists will participate on Fermilab Experiments 782 and 802. In E782, a study of muon interactions in a bubble chamber, two scientists from India, Drs. Chatterjee and Gosh will participate with several U.S. and foreign institutions. In E802, a study of muon interactions in emulsion, the Jadavpur team has been approved by Fermilab as the sole investigator. The visits by the Indian scientists to Fermilab will cover three phases: planning the emulsion exposure, exposing the stack, and establishing bubble chamber scanning criteria and efficiencies to assure consistency of film scanning in Calcutta. Scope: This project represents a strong collaborative effort in experiments that require efforts and inputs from scientists from several countries utilizing major U.S. facilities and unique experimental opportunities. The collaboration will be beneficial to both the U.S. and the Indian scientists.