This award supports visits over a three year period by the various investigators and a graduate student, including Drs. Alexander Brown, Jeffrey L. Linsky, Stephen A. Drake, and Jay A. Bookbinder of the University of Colorado Boulder to the Australia Telescope National Facility (ATNF) of the CSIRO Division of Radiophysics in Marsfield, NSW, Australia, to work with Dr. Ronald T. Stewart. The investigators will study stellar radio emission with an array of radio telescopes called the Australia Telescope (AT). They will exploit the potential of the AT through a collaboration combining their experience of observing radio stars using the Very Large Array (VLA) with the capabilities of this new instrument. The Americans will make two collaborative research visits each year during a three year period to study the coronae and winds of a broad range of stars located in almost all parts of the H-R diagram and ranging in age from pre-main sequence stars to the late stages of stellar evolution. These investigations of both thermal and nonthermal radio emission processes in stellar atmospheres are logical extensions of their current research.