This award supports a follow-up workshop in the U.S. of a previous workshop in Australia on "Nonlinear Optical Materials and Devices" sponsored jointly by the Center for Research in Electro-Optics and Lasers ?CREOL! of the University of Central Florida and the Optoelectronics Division of the Surveillance Research Laboratory ?SRL! in Salisbury, South Australia. This award provides funds to rent a suitable venue with conference facilities within the Orlando area for a five-day period in early 1992 as well as to provide local travel support for CREOL participants. Nonlinear optics and laser science are fundamental to optics-based technologies which will assume increasing importance in the next century. These technologies, involving optical computing, information processing, displays, communications, manufacturing industry and medicine, could eventually rival the present day technologies based on electronics and silicon in these areas. This workshop will focus on three areas for further collaboration: (1) optical limiting understanding and technology (with collaboration between Drs. E.W. Van Stryland, D.J. Hagan and Mansoor Sheik-Bahae in the U.S. and Drs. J. Hermann and P. Chapple in Australia); (2) multiple quantum well ?MQW! growth and characterization (with collaboration between Dr. A. Miller at CREOL and Dr. R. T. Hartley of the Australian Defense Science & Technology Organization ?DSTO! who runs two molecular-beam epitaxy ?MBE! machines for growing HgTe-CdTe MQW superlattices on GaAs and CdZnTe substrates for infrared detector applications, where DSTO's growth facilities for MQW's complement CREOL's characterization facilities); and (3) growth of nonlinear crystals and laser host materials (with collaboration between Dr. Bruce H.T. Chai at CREOL and Drs. Bob Seymore and Peter Picone at DSTO).