This award supports visits by Professors Joseph S. Francisco of Wayne State University and Jeffrey I. Steinfeld of M.I.T., along with graduate students, to Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, to work with Professors Alan E.W. Knight, Keith D. King of the University of Adelaide and Warren D. Lawrence of The Flinders University, on the spectroscopy and dynamics of halocarbon degradation processes. The reactions of simple silicon-containing molecules are of key importance in understanding deposition and etching processes taking place at silicon surfaces, which are widely used in electronics and photovoltaic technology. In this cooperative research program, the complementary experimental and technical expertise of three university research laboratories in the U.S. and Australia has been brought to bear on elucidating this problem. With support from the U.S.-Australia Cooperative Program, graduate students were exchanged for three- to six-month periods between the research groups involved, and a three-day symposium, including the principal investigators and junior research personnel, took place in June 1990. A workshop on "Laser Applications in Molecular Dynamics and Molecular Structure Analyses" held at Byron Bay, N.S.W., on 1-4 June 1990, included presentations by fifteen participants from the U.S. and Australian groups.