This award will support the participation of nine U.S. scientists in a U.S.-Japan Seminar on Statistical Time Series Analysis, to be held January 8-12, 1993 in Honolulu. The co-organizers are Professor Emanuel Parzen, Department of Statistics, Texas A&M University, and Professor Mituaki Huzii, Department of Information Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology. The themes of the seminar are time series modeling and information criteria, time series modeling and new algorithms, non-Gaussian and non-stationary time series, non- linear and discrete time series, and economics and engineering applications of time series analysis. Multivariate time series analysis, nonlinear relationships, and nonstationary (long memory) behavior will be emphasized. The theory and methods of statistical time series analysis are of great interest to applied researchers in many fields. The seminar will bring together leading mathematicians from the United States and Japan to continue the dialog begun in the first joint seminar on statistical time series analysis held in May 1984 in Tokyo.