This award will support a two-year U.S.-Japan cooperative research project between Professor V. Ralph Algazi, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, Davis, and Professor Yasuhiko Yasuda, Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo. Other scientists involved in this collaboration are Professors Gary Ford and Todd Reed of the University of California, Davis, and two scientists from the Nagaoka University of Technology, Niigata (Professor Makoto Miyahara and Kazumori Kotani) and two scientists from the Tokyo Institute of Technology (Professors Shigeo Tsujii and Yoshinori Sakai). The research focuses on areas pertinent to high quality image and video analysis, processing, transmission, recording, storage, and display for natural and computer generated images, and the use of high speed multimedia networks in an integrated digital system environment. The commercial growth of High Definition Television (HDTV) will support this development by providing components and subsystems at new levels of quality and performance and at decreasing costs. As a result of this project, researchers at UC Davis and the two Japanese universities hope to develop a framework for future interaction, using network communications with specialized equipment, and to pursue other research topics in high quality imaging and coding.