This award will support a two-year U.S.-Japan cooperative research project between Professor Wojbor Woyczynski, Center for Stochastic and Chaotic Processes in Science and Technology, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, and Professor Tadahisa Funaki, Department of Mathematics, Nagoya University. The purpose is to establish a sustained, direct cooperation in the area of hydrodynamic limits and nonlinear stochastic partial differential equations between the two centers in the United States and Japan. Other investigators involved in the project are Professor Peter Kotelenez, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Case Western Reserve University, and Professor Kohei Uchiyama, Department of Applied Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, and Professor Hideo Nagai, Department of Mathematics, Nagoya University. The objective of the research is to develop a broad spectrum of techniques in the area of stochastic models for physically relevant phenomena, in particular in the areas of physical chemistry and geophysical fluid dynamics and oceanography, The analysis, prediction and identification of the models would be based on statistical, mechanical, and probabilistic techniques that take into account microscopic and mezoscopic behavior of interacting particle systems to obtain, in the thermodynamic or hydrodynamic limits, the macroscopic behavior as described by kinetic often nonlinear partial differential equations. The project will bring together the different techniques developed by the U.S. and Japanese scientists that will permit development of new techniques that utilize the best parts of the two approaches.