This three-year award supports U.S.-France cooperative research in parallel computing and software libraries between Jack Dongarra of the University of Tennessee and Bernard Tourancheau of the Laboratory for Parallel Computing at the Ecole Normale Superieure, Lyon, France. The investigators seek to develop high performance communication and computation routines for linear algebra algorithms on distributed-memory supercomputers. Dr. Dongarra's group brings to this collaboration experience in developing software libraries for linear algebra subroutines. This is complemented by the French investigator's expertise in linear algebra algorithms and access to unique parallel computers in Lyon. Recent advances in the development of software libraries have led to better, more efficient software performance and a greater portability amongst machines. Research has progressed from vector computers to shared-memory computers and currently is focused on distributed memory systems for high performance supercomputers. This collaborative effort is oriented towards the development of software libraries for distributed memory systems. The ultimate goal is the development of a standardized code and portable software libraries for the supercomputers of the future.