This award from the U.S.-Brazil Cooperative Science Program supports research in chemistry to be conducted by Dr. Willie L. Hinze of Wake Forest University and Dr. Frank H. Quina of the Universidade de Sao Paulo in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The projected research will provide a better understanding of micelle-like polymeric systems and could lead to the development of new mobile/stationary phases for chromatographic separation of optically active compounds. The research will focus on the preparation and characterization of chiral and non-chiral ionene surfactants and the evaluation of their ability to function as chromatographic mobile or stationary phases. The ability of these systems to catalyze important chromatographic detection reactions, which would permit enhanced detection in TLC/HPLC, will be evaluated. The project will couple the talents of Dr. Hinze as an analytical chemist with the physical chemistry expertise of his Brazilian counterpart. ***//