This award will support the travel of U.S. advanced graduate students and postdoctoral researchers to a U.S.-Sweden workshop to be held in conjunction with a special year (1993) in mathematical physics at the Mittlag-Leffler Institute, Djursholm, Sweden. The workshop will concentrate on three main topics in mathematical physics: quantum mechanical many-body problem; problems arising in solid state physics; and asymptotic methods. Peter D. Hislop of the University of Kentucky and Anders Melin of the Lund Institute of Technology in Sweden will jointly organize the workshop seminars. The young American researchers will be able to attend the workshop for a period of two months each and will be joined by a cohort of Swedish advanced graduate students and postdoctoral researchers. Prominent American, Swedish and European mathematicians, who have contributed significantly to the field, will participate in the workshop seminars, thereby providing a unique opportunity for young researchers to advance their understanding of current research themes and develop their research and future collaborations.