This awards supports the participation of eleven U.S. scientists in a U.S.-Japan Seminar on Physics and Chemistry of C60 and Related Compounds, to be held in Honolulu, Hawaii July 18-24, 1993. The co-organizers are Professor John Fischer of the University of Pennsylvania and Professor Yusei Maruyama of the Institute for Molecular Science, Okazaki, Japan. In addition to the U.S. and Japanese participants, scientists from France, Portugal, and the Netherlands will be invited. Research on fullerenes and fullerene-based materials continues to expand at a rapid pace. U.S. and Japanese researchers are very active in this new field. Several individual national scientific meetings have emphasized this topic, but this is the first opportunity for discussions between researchers from the two countries. The objective of the seminar is to achieve a more detailed understanding of the unusual physical properties of fullerene-based materials, in particular the structural and electronic properties of various doped and intercalated phases. Attempts will be made to reconcile data obtained from powder, single crystal and thin film samples, with a view to establishing a general model for explaining the evolution of crystal structure and electronic ground state with doping and the mechanism of superconductivity. The seminar will emphasize new fullerenes, chemical modification at the molecular level, and the superconducting alkali metal-intercalated C60 compounds.