This award supports the participation of ten U.S. scientists in a U.S.-Japan Seminar on Classical and Molecular Cytogenetic Analysis of Cereal Genomes, which will be held in March 8-10, 1994 in Manhattan, Kansas. The co-organizers are Professor Bikram S. Gill, Kansas State University, and Professor Koichiro Tsunewaki, Kyoto University. The major objective of the seminar is to bring together researchers, particularly younger researchers at the Assistant or Associate Professor level, to discuss cereal genome structure and comparative genome mapping. The participants, who are from classical and molecular areas, will discuss problems of common interest such as chromosome structure and function, nucleo-cytoplasmic interactions, and cytoplasmic male sterility. This meeting will stimulate interaction among cereal geneticists, cereal and non-cereal geneticists, and plant and mammalian cytogeneticists. To arrive at common mechanisms underlying the genome structure, evolution, and speciation in polyploid plants, some scientists in polyploid plants are also invited. The proceedings of the seminar will be published as a paperback and widely distributed.