9224574 Maradudin This two-year award supports U.S.-U.K. cooperative research in condensed matter physics. The investigators are Alexei Maradudin and Richard Wallace of the University of California at Irvine, and Alan D. Boardman of the University of Salford in the United Kingdom. The research encompasses theoretical investigations of the propagation of nonlinear electromagnetic waves in magnetic and magneto-optic layered structures. Emphasis will be placed on layered structures that exhibit effective nonlinearity. The study of nonlinear waves has important applications in optical computing and signal processing, particularly in the development of improved magnetic and magneto-optic materials. The proposed collaboration will advance our knowledge of the role of nonlinear waves in a range of materials and their use as waveguides. The project integrates the theoretical and experimental approaches. The U.S. investigators bring to this collaboration expertise in nonlinear physics, surface magneto- plasmonpolaritons, surface acoustic waves and waves in magnetic materials. This is complemented by the British investigator's expertise in guided waves. The project also takes advantage of British experiments on the properties of magnetic and magneto- optic materials. ***