9313898 Willsky This three-year awards supports ongoing U.S.-France cooperative research in image and signal processing among investigators from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of California at Davis, and INRIA/Rocquencourt and Rennes (French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics). The U.S. and French teams are led by Alan Willsky, MIT, and Albert Benveniste, INRIA. The objective of their research is to investigate various problems in geometric modeling, nonlinear systems, and image processing. They will study (1) multiresolution statistical signal and image processing; (2) failure and event detection; (3) new approaches to nonlinear parameter systems; and (4) discrete event systems. The U.S. and French investigators have considerable expertise on all these topics. The project takes advantage in particular of substantial French advances in nonlinear systems modeling and different, but complementary, approaches to problems in discrete event systems. The French are also considered world experts in systems described by partial differential equations. The collaboration will advance understanding on analysis and design of circuits for signal processing applications. ***