9314210 Frankel The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) will organize and conduct an invitational workshop on evaluating scientific research for scientists, engineers, research managers, science policy analysts, and policy makers from Eastern Europe, the United States, and several Western European nations. The workshop will convene in Poland on October 8-11, 1993, and will be co-sponsored by the Polish Society for the Advancement of Science and the Arts and the Polish State Committee for Scientific Research. It is the first of a series of workshops planned by the AAAS over the next four years on the scientific freedom and responsibility issues likely to emerge in Eastern Europe. The workshop topic relates closely to prevalent concerns in Eastern Europe pertaining to professional autonomy and accountability. It also has implications for determining research priorities, resource allocation, and career development and mobility. All of these matters assume heightened significance among the countries of Eastern Europe as they experience a period of contracting budgets for science. The workshop agenda will focus on: 1) assessing the use of quantitative techniques and indicators for evaluating scientific research and scientists, 2) exchanging information about the operation of peer review mechanisms, and 3) examining related ethical issues raised by use of peer review and quantitative techniques in formulating funding and personnel decisions in science. Through this workshop the AAAS hopes to encourage the emergence of an international network of scholars, scientists and policy makers who can draw upon each others experience to help strengthen the scientific and technological infrastructure in the countries of Eastern Europe. Among the expected outcomes will be publication of the papers and proceedings of the workshop, both in a volume published by AAAS and in select journals.