9314671 Nath This U.S.-Polish Workshop on "Physics from Planck Scale to Electroweak Scale" will bring together leading particle physics will bring together leading particle physicists from the U.S., Poland and other countries to Warsaw from 16-20 September 1993. The workshop will cover the forefront research areas of particle physics phenomenology, supersymmetry and string theory. This grant supports the participation of 12 U.S. participants, with Dr. Pran Nath of Northeastern University as principal investigator. There will be corresponding support from the Polish side, with Dr. Tomasz Taylor as principal investigator, and Dr. Stefan Pokorski, Director of the Institute of Theoretical Physics of Warsaw University as co- organizer. This proposed research in high energy physics fulfills the program objectives of advancing science by enabling leading experts in the U.S. and Poland to combine complementary talents and pool research resources in areas of strong mutual interest and competence. The workshop will also be used to promote the interest of graduate and undergraduate students in particle physics. ###